The following pictures are in order as you walk up the canyon. They are in reverse order of the actual run.
Big Timber Falls - this is the lower drop - there is a 60 ft. lead-in falls
that is unrunnable at all but lowest flows. The entrance move for the
lower falls is a 15 ft. waterfall that lands in a left banking slide against the wall (just to the river right of the island in the picture). This slide then launches you off the 30-35 ft. main drop.

Drop under the first walking bridge

Very nice, forgiving falls - two drops below The Pinch

Drop immediately following The Pinch

Crappy picture of The Pinch - this thing is nuts; i can't imagine running it at the flows we had
(estimate 400 cfs or so)

Slide drop leading into portage - I think the next drop is called No Way Out (aka portage)

Fine Line

Drop above the second walking bridge

O's Woes

No Worries Falls - the put in drop